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| [Graduated Students]
[Current CALCE Students] | [Graduated CALCE Students]
Current Graduate Students
- Wilson, Alex (M.S. student)
Throwaway Electronics
- Kashani-Pour, Amir (Ph.D.
student in Reliability Engineering)
Design for Availability and Availability Contracting
- Islam, Mohammad (Ph.D. student)
Software PHM
- Lei, Xin (Ph.D. student)
Real Options Maintenance Planning
- Bakhshi, Roozbeh
(Ph.D. student)
Return on Investment
- Breckon, Michael (Ph.D.
- Bruck, Maira
(M.S. student in Civil Engineering)
Levelized Cost of Energy
Graduated Students
- Radhakrishnan, Jagadeesh (employed by AMD,
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2000
A Process-Based Cost of Ownership Model for the Inclusion of
High-Frequency Micromachined Structures on a
Conventional IC
- Subramanian, Gowrishankar (employed by AMD,
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2000
Analysis Methods for Size/Cost Tradeoffs for PWBs with Embedded Passives
- Subrahmanyam, Rajiv (employed by Netapps, AZ)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2000
Economic Impact of Component Replacement in Electronic Systems
- Trichy, Thiagarajan (employed by Oracle,
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2000
Full Monte Carlo Technical Cost Modeling with Detailed Test/Rework
Analysis for Use in a Multi-Attribute Optimization Environment
- Sahasrabudhe, Shubhada (employed by Intel,
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2001
Implementation and Interpretation of Failure Free Operating Periods and
Associated Confidence Limits in Electronic Systems Using the 3-Parameter
Weibull Distribution
- Raghavan, Ravi (employed by Hughes
Network Systems, MD)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2001
Analysis of Test/Diagnosis/Rework Operation Placement in the Technical
Cost Modeling of Advanced Electrical Power System Modules
- Ragan, Daniel (employed by Accenture, Washington DC)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2001
Detailed Cost Modeling for use with Hardware/Software Co-Design of a
System on a Chip
- Becker, Daniel (employed by Northrop-Grumman, MD)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2002
Development and Application of Yielded Cost in Electronic Manufacturing
Process Improvement
- Bhaskaran, Harish (employed by Oxford
University, UK)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2006
Die Shear Experimental and Modeling Verification of Chip-to-Chip Bonded
Microelectromechanical Systems
- Calhan, Derya
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2002
An Application of the 3-Parameter Weibull Distribution to the Estimation
of the Failure Free Operating Period of Electronic Systems
- Salzano, Lawrence
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2003
Experimental Reliability Assessment and Failure Analysis for Reworked and
Trimmed Embedded Resistor Technologies
- Goswami, Arindam (employed by Apple
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2003
Design Refresh Planning for System Software Changes Precipitated by
Hardware Obsolescence
- Deeds, Michael (employed by US Navy, MD)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2004
Qualificaiton of Metallized Optical Fiber
Connections for Chip-Level MEMS Packaging
- Shi, Zhen (employed by Prequel Solutions, PA)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2004
Optimization of Test/Diagnosis/Rework Location(s) and Characteristics in
Electronic Systems Assembly
- Singh, Pameet (employed by GE)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2001
Electronic Part Obsolescence Driven Design Refresh Optimization
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2004
Forecasting Technology Insertion Concurrent with Design Refresh Planning
for COTS-Based Obsolescence Sensitive Sustainment-Dominated Systems
- Etienne, Bevin (employed by Dominica Sustainable Energy Corporation,
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2005
Cost and Size Analysis and Optimization of Embedded Passives in Printed
Circuit Boards
- Kleyner, Andre (employed by Delphi
Automotive, IN)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2005
Determining Optimal Target Reliability Through Analysis of Validation
Program Cost and Field Warranty Data
- Bhaskaran, Harish (employed by University
of Exeter, UK)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2006
Nanomechanical Resonators Towards Single Spin
- Feng, Dan (employed by Booz Allen Hamilton, MD)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2007
Optimizing Lifetime Buy Quantities To Minimize Lifecycle Costs
- Myers, Jessica (employed by U.S. Patent Office, Washington DC)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2007
Integration of Technology Roadmapping
Information into DMSMS-Driven Design Refresh Planning of the V-22 Advanced
Mission Computer
- Jafreen, Rifat
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2008
A Cost Model for Assessing the Transition to Lead-Free Electronics
- Feldman, Kiri (Law student at George Washington University Law School,
Washington DC)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2008
Electronic systems prognostics and health Management: A Return on
Investment Analysis
- Touw, Anduin
by Boeing, CA)
Ph.D. Reliability Engineering - 2008
Latent Failures and Mixed Distributions: Using Mixed Distributions and
Cost Modeling to Optimize the Management of Systems with Weak Latent
Defect Subpopulations
- Chaloupka, Andrew (employed by US Navy)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2009
Lead-Free Electronics Use and Repair Dynamic Simulation
- Jazouli, Taoufik
by CSSI, Washington DC)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2011
A "Design for Availability" Methodology for Systems Design and
- Haddad, Gilbert (employed by Schlumberger, TX)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2011
An Options Approach to Quantify the Value of Decisions After Prognostics
- Probhakar, Varun (employed by Toyota, MI)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2012
Electronic Part Total Cost of Ownership and Sourcing Decisions for Long
Life Cycle Products
- Nelson III, Raymond (employed by Solers)
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - 2012
Concurrent Multi-Part Multi-Event Design Refresh Planning Models
Incorporating Solution Requirements and Part-Unique Temporal Constraints
- Konoza, Anthony (employed by NavAir, MD)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2012
An Evaluation of End of
Maintenance Dates and Lifetime Buy Estimations for Electronic Systems
Facing Obsolescence
- Lillie, Edwin (employed by Intel, AZ)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2013
Assessing the Cost of Risk for New Technology and Process Insertion
- Schramm, Zev (employed by
Skanska USA, NY)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2013
A Model for Estimating the
Cost Tradeoffs Associated with Open Systems
- Allison, Hannah (employed by ExonMobile)
M.S. Mechanical Engineering - 2014
A Simulation Approach to Modeling Contingency Strategies for
Managing Electronic Part Supply Chain Disruptions
- Goudarzi, Navid
by University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology and Construction Management
- Ziaei, Shiva (current)
Last updated: July 10, 2017